Hi, I’m Carolyn and I believe we have the innate ability to live in pure bliss and peacefulness even if we have had traumatic histories or we currently are experiencing something painful in our lives. I did not always believe pure bliss was possible and use to subscribe to the pathological view of mental health which I was taught in school.
But what I’ve learned through my years of experience, both as a client and a therapist, is that if we look for pathology we see pathology and people will never truly reach their full potential. You see, when we think pathologically, there is always on more injustice we’ve experience that needs to be processed or one more family member with the “dreaded mental health gene.” And this pathological way of thinking promotes a life-long victim perspective. “I’m a victim of my environment.” “I’m a victim of my genes.” “My diagnosis makes me behave this way.” We’ve all heard these types of phrases and perhaps we’ve even said them ourselves. I know I have, before I was introduced to a more holistic perspective.
Yet if we shift the paradigm and expand our consciousness, we begin to release limiting beliefs, fearful thinking, big emotions, and tense muscles. And then something interesting happens – our bodies relax, our breathing deepens, our mind stills, and we experience a peace residing within ourselves. And once we have a felt sense of this peace, our emotions, beliefs, and experiences begin to lose their power to upset us.
If you are interested in expanding your consciousness with the desire to experience more peace, bliss, and joy in your life, explore the pages of my website to see if there is something I can offer you. Namaste!